
Intellectual Property From Every Perspective


Patent Procurement

One of Gardella Grace’s core competencies is patent procurement, which is known in the field as “patent prosecution.”


Because we have litigated, challenged and defended so many patents, our approach to prosecution is very different from that of most other firms. We know that overly broad patents are difficult to enforce and easy to defeat, and we understand the value in having every patent specification provide rich and detailed descriptions of all potential alternative implementations of a given innovation. This provides maximum flexibility in crafting patent coverage that blocks competitors from a given space.


Our team also knows the importance of keeping patent families “lean” by focusing resources on obtaining patent coverage in key jurisdictions — and avoiding the temptation to procure patents in countries where the intellectual property rights provide little competitive leverage. Keeping portfolios lean also enables us to keep patent families “alive,” or pending, which in turn enables us to react to new and sometimes unanticipated developments in the market.


At Gardella Grace, we have broad technical aptitude arising from varied technical degrees and years of representations involving medical devices; polymerization processes; genetic sequencing techniques; semiconductor fabrication and device structure; computer architecture; wireless telecommunications; network data communication; software ranging from microcode to application layer; signal processing; VLSI design; microstructured films; industrial equipment; and immunochemistry.


Learn more about representative cases here.